Selecting the Right Deadbolt Lock

In this blog entry, the professional Atlanta residential lock installation experts here at Atlanta Fast Locksmith will detail the best methods to use to choose the right deadbolt lock to match your unique home security needs.

Choosing the Right Deadbolt Lock

  • Consider what type of security you need. Grade 1 Deadbolts provide the highest amount of security and are made to withstand forced entry attempts. Grade 1 deadbolts are best for external doors
  • Grade 2 deadbolts provide solid security for interior doors or doors that have a low chance of break ins
  • Analyze how vulnerable your home is to decide the best deadbolt grade to match your needs
  • Consider what type of deadbolt matches your needs. Single cylinder deadbolts are the most popular. Single cylinder deadbolts have key access on a single side, and a thumb-turn on the other side.
  • Double cylinder deadbolts need a key on both sides, which provides good security but is a risk in the event of an emergency. Double cylinder deadbolts are not recommended in areas that serve as an emergency exit

How can I determine if my deadbolt lock needs to be replaced?

  • Replace your deadbolt if it is hard to unlock or turn
  • Replace your deadbolt if there’s visible signs of wear like rust, frame warping, or loose screws
  • Replace your deadbolt if it regularly gets stuck
  • Replace your deadbolt if it will not smoothly extend or retract

Why is deadbolt lock maintenance important?

By regularly maintaining and inspecting your deadbolt lock, you can prevent potential issues and keep it properly functioning for as long as possible.

What are some crucial deadbolt lock maintenance tips?

  • Regularly lubricate the deadbolt lock mechanism with a  few drops of silicone based or graphite lubricant. Lubricate both the keyway and the bolt mechanism. Do NOT use an oil based lubricant, as this can attract dirt
  • Inspect all components of the deadbolt including the strike plate, screws, and latches for damage
  • Tighten all loose deadbolt lock components ASAP
  • Inspect the door and doorframe for misalignment

What are common errors made during deadbolt lock installation?

  • Improperly measuring the door
  • Ignoring door frame reinforcement
  • Improper deadbolt alignment
  • Not properly securing the strike plate