Important Things to Know About Key Cutting

Here’s a guide to the most important things to know about key cutting, as prepared by the professional Atlanta rekeying service and Atlanta key copying service here at Atlanta Fast Locksmith.

What exactly is key cutting?

Key cutting is the unique process of copying a key in order to create a spare key or replacement key. The process of key cutting involves copying the specific profile of an existing key onto a blank key utilizing special technology. This duplicate key is in contrast to the exact same shape and size as the original key.

What are the different types of keys that can be cut?

  • House Keys  – The most common types of keys that are duplicated. Can very easily be cut.
  • Car Keys – Requires special electronic programming before cutting in newer car models that utilize transponder keys
  • Padlock Keys – Comes in different sizes and shapes based on the padlock type
  • Safe Keys – Unique keys that cannot be easily copied. Only authorized personnel can cut these keys

When is key cutting necessary?

Key cutting is necessary when you require a spare or replacement key. We recommend getting a spare key made before you ever lose your original key. Losing the only key that you have can be very frustrating and it can even be dangerous especially if you urgently need access to your property. Additionally, key cutting is a necessary process for landlords who need to provide tenants with a set of keys. If you fail to get your keys cut, when you need to, you can risk being locked outside of your property, delaying emergency entry to a specific building or area, or having to pay for additional emergency locksmith services.