Avoiding Getting Locked Outside of Your Atlanta Property

Here’s the best ways to avoid getting locked out of your property, as prepared by the professional Atlanta emergency locksmith service and Atlanta lockout service team here at Atlanta Fast Locksmith.

Checking Keys

Make sure to always check to see you have your keys before leaving your house. Practice this enough so it gets ingrained into your muscle memory. Touch all of your pockets to check for keys habitually before you touch the door to exit your property.

Spare Keys

We recommend creating a duplicate spare key and giving it to a nearby trusted friend or neighbor to hold in case of an emergency. It’s also a good idea to keep a spare key in your wallet or purse. If you insist on hiding a spare key near your property, don’t put it under your doormat. You can consider putting it in the soil of a potted plant or in a highly inconspicuous hiding spot – which means if you put it in a plant’s soil, to also have multiple other potted plants around.

We recommend storing your spare key in a highly secure lockbox that’s hidden by your home. 

Key Routines

As soon as you get back inside your house, place your key in a dedicated bowl or on a  dedicated hook near your front door. Do this as a habit – just make sure that keys aren’t easily visible to outsiders or anyone coming to your front door, for example for those delivering mail. 

Don’t Make Key Copies of Key Copies

Do not make copies of key copies. The more copies you make of copies, the key will have exaggerated defects that make it difficult or impossible to turn, potentially causing the key to get stuck or break off inside your lock. We recommend making spare keys from the original key.