Common Door Lock Tampering Techniques

Here’s a brief guide to the most common forms of door lock tampering techniques that burglars use today, as prepared by the professional Atlanta lock repair and Atlanta lock installation experts here at Atlanta Fast Locksmith.

Brute Force Attacks

Burglars, when using brute force attacks, try to bash the lock in, drill through the deadbolt, or kick the door down. This type of break in will leave signs like scratched paint, bent deadbolts, warped doors or warped door frames, and wooden debris. If you notice new appearances of any of these signs it’s likely that somebody attempted a break in, and you should contact the authorities as soon as possible.

Lock Picking

Lock picking leaves minimal signs. It can be attempted with small tools like flat screwdrivers and picks, which are used to turn the lock and rake the pin tumblers. They often create small scratch mars – or slivers of shiny metal around the keyhole. In some countries including Hungary, Japan, and Poland, it’s actually extremely illegal to even own lock picking tools!

Lock Bumping

This technique is super easy but makes a lot of noise, potentially drawing the attention of neighbors or passersby. Lock bumping can leave nicks around the edges of the keyhole – as well as slivers of shiny metal – due to the forced strikes bump resistant locks protect you from this type of break in. ask your locksmith team if you need to install bump proof locks at your property.

Lock Security Upgrades to Protect Against Lock Tampering

If you notice any signs of the above lock picking methods, contact the authorities as soon as possible. As soon as you do this, contact Atlanta Fast Locksmith to upgrade your locking system and restore the security of your Atlanta residential or commercial property in order to protect yourself from dangerous and inconvenient burglaries.