Modern Devices that Improve Home and Business Security

Atlanta Fast Locksmith Emergency Locksmith

In this blog entry, the Atlanta lock installation and Atlanta residential and commercial locksmith service experts here at Atlanta Fast Locksmith will detail 3 of the most high-tech devices being used to improve home and business security today.

Video Doorbells

These modern doorbells allow you to see who’s at your door from any location – you don’t even have to be at your house. Some benefits of video doorbells include:

  1. Wide viewing angles
  2. Real time alerting directly to your phone, no matter your location
  3. Two-way audio for instant communication
  4. High definition recordings automatically beginning when motion sensors detect movement
  5. High-dynamic range (HDR) video that can show detailed and sharp images even in low light

Home Security Cameras with Facial Recognition

Facial recognition software is now being used in smart indoor security cameras. Some of this technology can be used to automatically notify you when children or elderly relatives are home safely from the outdoors. These security cameras can be moved from one part of the house to another, and send an automatic alert when a stranger’s face is detected via a cell phone application. The alert will include a photo of the stranger’s face and even a video recording, allowing the homeowner to know exactly what’s happening at their property. 

Smart Door Locks

  1. Smart door locks – like Schlage or Yale’s advanced and convenient innovative technology – has a range of benefits including:
  • The ability to secure your doors quickly without any need to carry or remember physical keps
  • The ability to remotely unlock your door
  • The ability to grant easy access to guests, cleaners, clients, and anybody else visiting your property via a smartphone app
  • Keeping a detailed log of all visitors to your property. The smart lock will keep track of who goes through your property doors, and exactly when they do so